Step 2

Get Your Credit Report Now And
Understand Your Current Credit Situation

Your credit report shows a lot about your financial situation and that information will be reviewed by others when ever you apply for finance. By obtaining your report you can see what they will see. Avoid any nasty surprises, identify any errors on your report and know your borrowing power. 

Did you know there are three different credit reporting companies. Which means you probalby have three reports. 
Credit Repair Australia is the only monitoring company that has access to all three!

Breakdown of a good credit score

All information from your credit account is calculated, including repayment history, credit limits, account type and when you opened and closed your credit accounts. A good score would typically have a variety of accounts opened for a few years, with no missed payments and lower credit limits.

Your credit score considers your enquiries, including account type, requested limit, enquiry date and industry. Generally, the more enquiries you have in a short time period, the lower your score will be.

This is any credit information about you that can be found publicly, including bankruptcies, court actions, debt agreements and personal insolvency agreements. To maintain a good score, it is best to avoid these.

Adverse Information
This includes defaults, relationships with specialty finance providers and serious credit infringements. Avoiding these will ensure your credit score doesn't drop and increase your credit eligibility.

© Copyright 2023 Credit Repair Australia Pty Limited ACN: 103 959 502 All Rights Reserved. Conditions Apply. 203-209 Northumberland St Liverpool NSW 2170.

Credit Repair Australia Pty Ltd is licensed with ASIC under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009,  Australian Credit Licence (ACL) Number 392319.

DR Administration is a Registered Debt Agreement Administrator, Registration Number 1146 with AFSA

*Past outcomes that others have experienced as a result of engaging us is not necessarily indicative of future results (as each case is different). 

Loan approval subject to lender's credit criteria.